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Our expertise lies in manufacturing the best-in-class Boiler, Steam Jacketed Kettle, Hot Water Boiler, Khoya Making Machine, Paneer Sauce, Ghee Processing Machine, and more.

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About Us

Banking on our robust resources, we, Shama Global, have emerged as one of the top manufacturers and suppliers of an exclusive range of premium-quality Wood Fire Steam Boiler, Gas Fire Steam Boiler, Diesel Fire Steam Boiler, Electric Steam Boiler, Steam Jacketed Kettle, Khoya Making Machine, Hot Water Boiler/Hot Water Generator: Wood, Gas, Diesel, Electric, and other products. Crafted with utmost precision and regard for the trust our customers show in us, each product is modern in design, sturdy, long-lasting, and thus the best in every aspect. We work hard to ensure that our products do not disappoint our customers. However, in an attempt to delight the customers a little more, we price all our offerings at industry-leading rates.
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Our Team of Experts

We have a hardworking team of sincere and experienced professionals on board to help us streamline our operations. Hired for their impeccable skill set, extensive expertise, and experience, our professionals prove to be our greatest sources of support.

Quality Control

We are a quality-conscious organization. Our primary objective is to maintain the highest standards of quality across our product range. We stringently follow international quality norms during the production of the products. 

Why Choose Us?

We are leading the market for a wide range of high-performance Diesel Steam Car Washers, Fire Tube Boilers, Manual Paneer Press Machines, Milk Boiling Kettles, and other products. Customers do not hesitate to choose us over and over again.
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